Calculate employee costs in Central & Eastern Europe

Gain insights into accurate salary projections, empowering you to plan budgets and optimize cost management for your remote workforce

In this calculator, all government mandated social contributions are included. A flat employee management fee (if you choose Reployer as your EOR) is not included in the total cost of supplemental benefits. Find out more about our pricing here. Please note that the FX rate can fluctuate over time.

Costs breakdown

Assess the expenses associated with employment in CEE.

Reployer assists you in determining the optimal location for your next new hire, providing a comprehensive overview of the anticipated taxes, fees, benefits, and other expenses you may incur.

Hire employees today using the Reployer as EOR


Our liability - not yours

When you choose Reployer to hire employees, we assume full responsibility for employment liability, ensuring your compliance with local laws and regulations.


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